College of Business & Technology Programs
Accounting Programs
Administrative Accounting Certificate
Sullivan’s Administrative Accounting Certificate prepares students for entry-level positions and to gain real-world experience in their desired accounting field.
Administrative Accounting Specialist Diploma
This one-academic-year career specialization program prepares the graduate for an entry-level position as a junior accountant or accounting technician. Many excellent opportunities await the graduate.
Associate of Science in Accounting
As business and industry continue to grow, there is a great demand for qualified accountants. Sullivan’s Associate of Science degree in Accounting builds heavily upon solid accounting principles and tax procedures and relates their application to all forms of business.
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
The Bachelor of Science in Accounting (BSAC) degree prepares graduates for accounting careers; both within companies and for external audit/tax practices. The degree equips graduates with accounting, business, communication, and IT skills necessary for advancement in the competitive accounting field. Students can tailor degree requirements to meet their specific accounting career goals with the use of upper-level accounting elective courses. Careers include Public Accounting, Management Accounting, Tax, Not-forProfit, Cost, Governmental, and Internal Audit